The sound of the tree is born of a sustained fragility, of that thread-root whose warp is the poetics of an instant in which nests the song of life.
The feathers can be the cradle of a hypnotic dream, Hip-no’s lat, close to the death of Tanatos, his twin brother; or they can be victorious wings, like those of Niké, the god-dess of Victory. Wings that also weave the nests of flight to which they sing. The chrysalis stops the moment: it is present, it is an urn-incubator shelter for the newborn. But it is a polysemic nest: it is a continent, it is content.
Music springs from the tree’ chest, feathers are born form the roots-branches, salvia germinates from the dead chrysalis, life emanates from the stone, natural means are reversed and emptiness is transformed into a creative generator. It is a song that brings us closer to humans from the emotions that unite us to life, and thus make us resilient.
And the truth emerges, it is Alétheia. The original bulb leaves its veiled state before the light and its deep roots metamorphose into branches.
That moment of sharp fragility stops for its lyrical reconstruction, thus emanates the feather-leaf, the bird-root or the stone-branch. The hidden transforms from being to not being, it is Poiesis. The conscious self emerges, which is a you and a an us: It is poetry, it is nature.
Duality stems from a diverse unit in which there is no static state. The universe is understood as a harmonious unity in which the whole is transformed into a “here-now”, like every cell of our own origin. It is the joyful song to poetic reason, to the music that emerges strongly from the tiniest threaded beat, it is the sound of the wings of Victory.
Aixa Portero
Artista Contemporánea Española
Nature is the root of life and forms a web between the poetic and the earthly. It is the ancestral song from which birds are born to trace their freedom in the air and water, leaving ripples in the earth’s ancient skin like a map of the myths and mysteries that explain the symbols of who we are.
Nature is the song of the tree that fuses the fragility of the drawing and the totemic nature of the sculpture in a habitat where sensibility, resilience and the imagination nest. Both a journey and an invitation to take root in its branches, made of emotion and memory. Nature is home to all of creativity’s songs. It is where they meet and discuss through the culture of peace such as enjoyment and progress.
Aixa Portero dreams of these origins and interprets with his work this familiar and simple philosophy, each of her pieces is a chrysalis from which liberation and metamorphosis emerge. A visual and organic poem where to nest the gaze, our joys, thoughts and our inner selves.
Guillermo Busutil
Writer, critic, journalist and former editor of the magazine ¨Mercurio¨