By Aixa Portero
By Aixa Portero
Transformation is a concept involved in each of the moments that build human history. We are immersed within the force that generates changes; changes in behaviour, thought, interpretation… Not only acting individual or collectively, neither in a positive or negative personal growth performance, but forms a reality of values in continuous motion.
Undoubtedly, violence, has suffered numerous transformations by the course of the time; transformations which seem not to have learned from their own mistakes, but extend these in a plural order of submission to the human inability to follow “natural ethics”. Today, when we’ve learned to live with an eternal daily violence, one might ask the question: can still human being react to this numb market which drowns a society with a lack of principles or, on the contrary, have we changed that soul referred by Horacio, to enter into a heartrending and distant reality?
I would like to have the collective answer to that question, but in the margins where our consciousness moves, it’s impossible to idealize the parameters in which the practice of common sense is expressed. Only under the unfair amalgamation of experiences which mediate between individual perception and unitary consideration of the violent event, we can figure out, if it was the cynicism which has taken control of the consolation “not for us” or otherwise the experience of innocence responds, not without difficulty, to the active and militant comfort of the struggle for survival.
With all mentioned, I wish I never have to give up the protest of injustice, which is made from an internal reaction to the “instinct” of social conservation and also raise, under the concept of individuality, a last question: are we victims of our innocence or is innocence victim of our violence?